Tuesday, 31 August 2010

US exit Iraq post-mortem but no mentioned of displaced Iraqi Christians & destruction of Iraqi Churches http://ping.fm/iSEkF
US exit Iraq & the post-mortem but no mentioned of displaced IraqiChristians & destruction of oldest Churches on earth http://ping.fm/iSEkF
US exit Iraq & the post-mortem but no mentioned of displaced IraqiChristians & destruction of oldest Churches on earth http://ping.fm/iSEkF
He helped destroy one of the oldest Churches on earth Posted By: Ed West on May 11, 2009 Telegraph blogs.http://ping.fm/iSEkF
very heaves price paid in Blood by Christians who believe Iraq is their Country when others regretfully think It is NOT http://bit.ly/3MADt2
more than 1/2 of the Christian population has fled the country & a lot more displaced within the country to safer areas http://bit.ly/3MADt2
US exit from Iraq & the post-mortem has anyone mentioned displacement of the IraqiChristians from their OWN homeland? http://bit.ly/3MADt2

Friday, 27 August 2010

Chaldean Bishop Warduni “US risks failing its duty to Iraq by withdrawing troops while country in chaos” http://bit.ly/cIC5ni

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

ChristianityInIraq, 2nd ed’n documents the suffering Christians go through in their own country b’cause of their faith http://bit.ly/9vkoZg
ChristianityInIraq, 2nd ed’n documents the suffering Christians go through in their own country b’cause of their faith http://bit.ly/ckJIxt

Thursday, 19 August 2010

PayPal's new iPhone app will let you donate to 1000s of charities inc BBC Children in Need & Cancer Research UK. http://tinyurl.com/2vyn9r9
Follow us on Twitter (ICINUK)
Help the Education of a Child @http://ping.fm/aYv4g

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Syrian Catholic Church in Basra, Iraq, bombed on 07/08/2010. See photos http://ping.fm/k5cZ8
Tony Blair has helped destroy one of the oldest Churches on earth Posted By: Ed West on May 11, 2009 Telegraph blogs.http://ping.fm/iSEkF

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Memorial service for late Bishop Andreas Abouna tobe held by Fr. Habib @ St. Christopher's, Cheam, SM3 8RU on 03.09.2010 @ 7:30 pm
HE Bishop Andreas Abouna RIP, Memorial Service by Fr. Habib, at St. Christopher's Catholic Church Cheam, SM3 8RU 03.09.2010 @ 7:30 pm

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Memorial service for the soul of the late Bishop Andreas Abouna will be held Sunday 8th August (12.30 pm) at the Holy Family Church West Acton W3 0DY


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