Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Holy Land Pilgrimage Deprt 20Nov Booking closes 15Jul If interested suggest U register we R approaching the max number http://ping.fm/Uaj6g
Holy Land Pilgrimage Deprt 20Nov Booking closes 15Jul If interested suggest U register we R approaching the max number http://ping.fm/8WvVS
Pilgrimage to The Holy Land Departing 20Nov Booking closes 15Jul If interested we suggest U put your name forward since we R approaching the max number http://ping.fm/fGJJm

Monday, 14 June 2010

The Charity ICIN held a succesful Public General Meeting which well attended. More from http://ping.fm/LWjHh

Friday, 11 June 2010

So please try to make an effort and come to the @ICIN PGM. Bring your friends, come and participate. Thank you
The @ICIN PGM will allow us (2) to listen to our non-supporters, so that they can air their views. We want to see what we have to do to win them over.
The @ICIN PGM will allow us (1) to listen to our supporters and give them a say in how to go forward and improve our work
@ICIN PGM 12/06/2010 7:00pm for those concerned with the plight of the displaced Iraqi Christians (@UK registered @charity)
So please try to make an effort. Bring your friends, come and participate. Thank you
ICIN PGM 12/06/2010 7:00pm we realise the conflict with Football Sorry (Football match can be recorded and viewed at night after PGM. Nothing will be missed !) However
For those concerned with the plight of the displaced Iraqi Christians This is a one-off meeting that will
allow us (1) to listen to our supporters and give them a say in how to go forward and improve our work
But more importantly (2) to listen to our non-supporters, so that they can air their views. We want to see what we have to do to win them over.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

@ICIN is holding a Public General Meeting on the 12 June at 7:00pm, More details from PGM@icin.org.uk @ICIN is a UK @Charity

Thursday, 3 June 2010

60 miles sponsored bike ride in aid of @ICIN completed view results www.icin.org.uk/rassam
Summer 2010 Walk, Swim, Run, Cycle, Why not raise much needed funds for your @charity include @ICIN more from webmaster@icin.org.uk
@ICIN is organising a Trip to Swansea , Wales (BBQ/JAZZ Swansea) on the 17th of July, more info from Swansea@ICIN.org.uk
@ICIN is organising a Pilgrimage to The Holy Land Departing 20/11/2010, Booking will close by 15.07.2010 More info: Jerusalem@icin.org.uk
@ICIN is organising a Pilgrimage to The Holy Land Departing 20th November 2010, Booking will close by 15th July 2010 More info: Jerusalem@icin.org.uk
@ICIN is holding a Public General Meeting on the 12 June at 7:00pm,
More details from PGM@icin.org.uk
why not include @ICIN as one of your favourit @charity. @ICIN is a UK registered @charity. www.icin.org.uk
Why not include @ICIN as one of your favourite @charity. @ICIN is a UK registered @charity
Summer 2010 Walk, Swim, Run, Cycle, Why not raise much needed funds for your favourite @charity and include @ICIN more from webmaster@icin.org.uk
Summer 2010 Walk, Swim, Marathon Run, Cycle, Whatever your preference Why not raise much needed funds for your favourite @charity and include @ICIN more from webmaster@icin.org.uk
@ICIN is organising a Trip to Swansea , Wales (BBQ/JAZZ Swansea)
on the 17th of July, more info from Swansea@ICIN.org.uk
@ICIN is organising a Pilgrimage to The Holy Land Departing 20th November 2010, Booking will close by 15th July 2010 More info: Jerusalem@icin.org.uk
@ICIN is holding a Public General Meeting on the 12 June at 7:00pm, More details from PGM@icin.org.uk


Joe Obayda's Facebook Profile