Friday, 15 January 2010

ICIN Events: - Charity Lunch, on 5th Feb @ Benehana, Swiss Cottage London

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Tony Blair has helped destroy one of the oldest Churches on earth:
Tony Blair has helped destroy one of the oldest Churches on earth Posted By: Ed West on May 11, 2009 Telegraph blogs
"Ethnic cleansing" continues, Mosul: Christian merchant killed A 75-year-old greengrocer is shot dead in front of his house:
RSS feeds available from website ( on Website news, general News, Events held by us, Talks conducted and Video clips.
Q:Who handles donations? A:Funds raised through donations, sponsorships & other activities are allocated by the trustees at usual meetings.
Q: How can I donate? A: Internet Bank Transfer, Cheque, Credit / Debit card via PayPal or Cash to one of the trustees.
Q: What is the minimum amount I can donate? A:All donations no matter how small will be appreciated.
Q:What percentage of the money collected goes towards expense of running the charity?
A: This Charity is being run with no administration costs, and all expenses are being paid for by the trustees and other generous helpers.
Q: What kind of needs are you addressing? A: Money raised goes to the neediest towards their medical needs & education of their children.
Q:How is the donations ICIN receives being spent? A:We channel the money through local Churches in Iraq,Syria,Jordan,Lebanon
Our accounts can be accessed through the Charity Commission website.
Our accounts are transparent. You can view them and you can also view our annual report and accounts submitted to Charity Commission.
Q: Where is the money raised going? A: To the Iraqi Christians in Iraq and the neighbouring countries.
Q: Are you a registered Charity? A: Yeas. We are a UK registered Charity, no. 119427. Check it out:
Q: Are you a registered Charity? A: Yeas. We are a UK registered Charity, no. 119427. Check it out:
9-ICIN intends to do their best with the help of all who feel with us. For independent information about our charity visit GuideStar UK:
8-The money raised will go to the most needy until they are able to work, also towards their medical needs and the education of their children.
7-We intend to raise money through personal donations as well as various activities such as sponsorship events, social gatherings, church appeals, etc.
6-Our aim is to help all Iraqi Christians in and outside Iraq in need of support. We aim to raise awareness of their plight and try to reach them through our churches.
4-Some refuges turning to desperate measures, such as selling their organs or even illegal activity to raise money.
2-We feel responsible towards our broken brothers and sisters being oppressed for no reason other than their faith.
3-Some are strangers in their own country, others trapped abroad with no money and no help from the international community, facing a bleak future.
1-ICIN:This charity was established to help the needy Iraqi Christians who as a result of the war have been suffering, displaced, destitute and persecuted.
Any donation you can make through ICIN will be gratefully received
Iraq is no longer front page news but the problems of the Iraqi Christians are still there. Any donation you can make through ICIN will be gratefully received.
ICIN was established to help the Iraqi Christians who, as a result of events during the past few years, have displaced, destitute, persecuted and are suffering financial hardship.
ICIN (Iraqi Christians In Need), UK registered charity, was established to help the Iraqi Christians who, as a result of events during the past few years, have been displaced, destitute, persecuted and are suffering financial hardship. Any donation you can make will be gratefully received.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Tony Blair has helped destroy one of the oldest Churches on earth
Posted By: Ed West on May 11, 2009 Telegraph blogs
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were in Syria to support the UNHCR's efforts to help Iraqi refugees.
In the Iraq war, Christians pushed to the brink
Arbil, Iraq — December 21st, 2009
Mosul attacks on two Christian churches, three dead and several injured
IRAQ» 23/12/2009
More attacks against Christians in Mosul
IRAQ» 31/12/2009:
Christian student kidnapped by Islamic group in Mosul
IRAQ» 30/12/2009:
No Cheer for Iraqi Christians
December 31, 2009,
By SAM DAGHER (The New York Times) :
Iraqi archbishop: Christians, tired of waiting, will leave country :


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